Sacramento County Community Resource and Technical Assistance Provider
Culturally Responsive,
Strength-Based Expertise
ONTRACK Program Resources (ONTRACK) will help your organization achieve, manage and sustain equity, diversity and inclusion, cultural competence, and compliance.
ONTRACK can provide you astute professional expertise to help your organization implement best practices in providing culturally responsive services to diverse populations, on topics such as:
“One of the best trainings I’ve organized for my staff in a long time. Even though it involved sensitive topics like race, culture and other differences, the facilitator was so skillful and engaging ... We are better equipped to deal with challenges and opportunities we are facing ...”
“One of the best trainings I’ve organized for my staff in a long time. Even though it involved sensitive topics like race, culture and other differences, the facilitator was so skillful and engaging ... We are better equipped to deal with challenges and opportunities we are facing ...”

“ONTRACK demonstrates a strong and enthusiastic commitment to educating which is highly regarded by the UCDHS Clinical Social Services Education Committee.”
Department of Clinical Social Services/Discharge Planning UC Davis Health Services

“At times when the county’s resources are significantly limited, ONTRACK’ staff have always supported our needs and endless requests in a timely and expeditious manner. Their technical support is undoubtedly a strong complement to the county’s strategic plan.”
Attend a Workshops

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